Start Clean for Vigorous Emergence

As weed populations continue to evolve, they become harder to control, and that could mean fewer bushels come harvest. Some weeds have now developed resistance to up to six different modes of action, which means you need to have a solid strategy in place to combat them. Here are some steps to stay ahead of weed competition this spring.
Take advantage of spray windows
Early-emerging spring weeds will already have a jump-start on any crop you intend to plant and can also cause planting challenges, so it’s best to get rid of them and save yourself later headaches. Marestail and early-emerging ragweed species only get more difficult to control as they get larger, so make sure you’re taking advantage of your early spring spray windows. To get the most effective weed control, select herbicides that target the weeds in your field, and be sure you’re using the right rate based on weed pressure and environmental conditions.
Watch the label
The toughest weeds to control are often those that are resistant to one or more chemistry classes. Before you plan your spring burndown, make sure you’re choosing effective sites of action against the weeds you’re targeting. Read and follow all label requirements, since there could be plant-back restrictions or other application requirements that impact herbicide efficacy and crop safety.
Don’t forget the adjuvant
For any herbicide to work, it has to reach its intended target. The right adjuvant can help you get more from your herbicide because it can help ensure more precise droplet deposition and more complete plant coverage. Ask your local advisor which adjuvant will work best for an early spring burndown based on your field conditions, weed populations and intended herbicide program.
Reducing early-season weed competition gives your seed the best chance for a strong start to maximize yield potential. A spring burndown application is one step you can take to proactively control weeds in 2019 as part of a comprehensive management strategy. For more information about appropriate spring burndown programs for your acres, attend a clinic hosted by your local WinField United retailer.
Take advantage of spray windows
Early-emerging spring weeds will already have a jump-start on any crop you intend to plant and can also cause planting challenges, so it’s best to get rid of them and save yourself later headaches. Marestail and early-emerging ragweed species only get more difficult to control as they get larger, so make sure you’re taking advantage of your early spring spray windows. To get the most effective weed control, select herbicides that target the weeds in your field, and be sure you’re using the right rate based on weed pressure and environmental conditions.
Watch the label
The toughest weeds to control are often those that are resistant to one or more chemistry classes. Before you plan your spring burndown, make sure you’re choosing effective sites of action against the weeds you’re targeting. Read and follow all label requirements, since there could be plant-back restrictions or other application requirements that impact herbicide efficacy and crop safety.
Don’t forget the adjuvant
For any herbicide to work, it has to reach its intended target. The right adjuvant can help you get more from your herbicide because it can help ensure more precise droplet deposition and more complete plant coverage. Ask your local advisor which adjuvant will work best for an early spring burndown based on your field conditions, weed populations and intended herbicide program.
Reducing early-season weed competition gives your seed the best chance for a strong start to maximize yield potential. A spring burndown application is one step you can take to proactively control weeds in 2019 as part of a comprehensive management strategy. For more information about appropriate spring burndown programs for your acres, attend a clinic hosted by your local WinField United retailer.