WinField United Innovation Center
Agriculture's R&D Epicenter
The WinField United Innovation Center is a 55,000-square-foot hub dedicated to cutting-edge agronomic research and product development. We built it for one reason: To provide farmers with the products and technologies that get the most out of every acre. Farmers scrutinize every operational input, so we want to make sure they get the most out of their investments.
Our Trials. Our Errors.
Your Success.
We invest in research annually to ensure our product development and research is rigorous and comprehensive. Farmer success is the only measure of success we care about, so we do the upfront work for them.
How We Assess
Product Performance
Controlled Environments
We test products year-round in our greenhouse and growth chambers. This allows us to accelerate the development of new products and respond to agronomic issues quickly. We gain a greater understanding of how our products work in different environments without the unpredictability of in-field testing.
Chemistry Labs
Our chemistry labs let us streamline testing materials to efficiently develop new products. So when new issues arise in the field, we can quickly develop, test and deliver a solution we know works.
Seed Care and Plant
Performance Lab
We test product compatibility and seed coverage then simulate planting and emergence conditions to provide seed care products you can trust. We also study plant performance factors, like nutrient uptake and stress management, so we can help you deliver the exact nutrients plants need at the most beneficial times.
Spray Analysis System
(Wind Tunnel)
Our patented Spray Analysis System is one of only a few in the world. We use it to simulate real-world conditions as we test an almost endless combination of active ingredients, spray nozzles and tank mixes. Then, after precisely measuring spray droplet size and trajectory, we can identify the best combination for the most targeted applications.
What Sets Us Apart
Successful products can take years to develop, test and introduce to the market. We know farmers don’t have that kind of time to wait. Which is why we’re committed to staying in front of needs and trends.