RRXtend Spray App Review

The RRXtend Spray App, available on the Apple App Store® and Google Play®, aims to help farmers and applicators successfully apply XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology. It divides information into three sections: Forecast, Record Keeping and Resources. Here is some information on each:
Forecast: The weather forecast feature helps farmers and applicators make more informed application decisions based on field level-specific weather conditions. Available information includes hourly forecasts of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and inversion risk. Weather details are drawn from combining unique models from The Climate Corporation with public information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Weather Service. A pin drop on a map is all it takes to begin.
Record Keeping: This allows applicators to easily comply with mandatory record-keeping requirements when applying XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology. They can quickly enter their spray application information with pre-populated fields from the applicator’s profile and email the farmer a copy.
Resources: This section connects users to key resources including information on product labels, training, approved tank mixes and nozzles, and educational videos.
Who benefits
Anyone who plans to handle XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology in 2018 would benefit from using the RRXtend Spray App. It will help everyone from farmer applicators to commercial retail applicators to schedulers, ensure that all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
The bottom line
The weather portion of the app is great, but I’d recommend using it as a guide and not the only weather resource to make decisions. The easy-to-use record-keeping section is pretty intuitive to help keep important information documented and handy.
My favorite part of the app is the resources tab, because if you do have a question, the tab offers a comprehensive reference library. One especially valuable section includes the XtendiMax product label, which you can always consult to ensure you remain in regulatory compliance.
Forecast: The weather forecast feature helps farmers and applicators make more informed application decisions based on field level-specific weather conditions. Available information includes hourly forecasts of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and inversion risk. Weather details are drawn from combining unique models from The Climate Corporation with public information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Weather Service. A pin drop on a map is all it takes to begin.
Record Keeping: This allows applicators to easily comply with mandatory record-keeping requirements when applying XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology. They can quickly enter their spray application information with pre-populated fields from the applicator’s profile and email the farmer a copy.
Resources: This section connects users to key resources including information on product labels, training, approved tank mixes and nozzles, and educational videos.
Who benefits
Anyone who plans to handle XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology in 2018 would benefit from using the RRXtend Spray App. It will help everyone from farmer applicators to commercial retail applicators to schedulers, ensure that all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
The bottom line
The weather portion of the app is great, but I’d recommend using it as a guide and not the only weather resource to make decisions. The easy-to-use record-keeping section is pretty intuitive to help keep important information documented and handy.
My favorite part of the app is the resources tab, because if you do have a question, the tab offers a comprehensive reference library. One especially valuable section includes the XtendiMax product label, which you can always consult to ensure you remain in regulatory compliance.