2022 Answer Plot Preview

As part of a farmer-driven cooperative, WinField® United invests in innovative research to drive prescriptive decisions that improve profitability potential on every acre. Our Answer Plot® program continues to adapt as the industry changes, and we’re excited to preview some of the trials we’ll be running this season.
This year, we are continuing to focus Answer Plot research on these strategies to understand how coupling decisions can drive synergistic effects for the crop. An updated factorial plot design enables us to evaluate products individually, in conjunction with each other and within a whole system to gather more comprehensive insights for a season-long production plan.
WinField United’s characterization trials help us develop industry-leading response-to scores, including response-to nitrogen (RTN), response-to fungicide (RTF) and response-to population (RTP) scores. These scores are developed to help you better match the hybrids you choose to your management style and farm environment.
These characterization trials are also helping us understand how nitrogen and fungicide treatments work together to drive yield potential. In addition to RTF and RTN, we’ll be testing plant response to fungicides when coupled with mid- and high-level nitrogen rates this year.
Soil Health
We know sustainable production practices are gaining traction among farmers who want to improve soil health and help preserve natural resources. The Answer Plot program provides an excellent opportunity to understand how those production practices impact the crop and the environment. We can use the data generated to help farmers identify stewardship opportunities and prepare for new markets, including carbon sequestration.
We’ll also be conducting soil sampling to evaluate DNA profiles of common soil pathogens to establish management thresholds for diseases including sudden death syndrome, pythium and phytophthora. We look forward to sharing our findings with our retail partners and growers to advance progress in this space.
Diverse Crops
We’ve added a new Answer Plot crew for our northern locations, focusing on diverse crops, including sunflowers, canola, wheat and field peas. We know growers are looking at more options to diversify their crop rotations but may need more information to help make profitable decisions. Our diverse crop research will deliver valuable data to help navigate new opportunities for farmers.
Disease Management
As diseases continue to evolve and expand their geographic footprints, we’re investing in research to help farmers stay one step ahead. Tar spot is a relatively new disease that we’re still learning about, but we know it can have devastating effects on a corn crop. Our dedicated Answer Plot locations will have trials specifically designed to better understand the agronomic and economic impacts of tar spot and to evaluate management options.
We’ll also be studying how soybean density influences crop health and production, and will evaluate different fungicide timings in soybeans to help guide disease management.
During the growing season, you’ll be able to take the information gained from an Answer Plot event to make real-time decisions on your farm, from disease and insect management to in-season fertility planning and more. Your WinField United retailer can keep you connected about upcoming events in your area.
Contact your WinField United retailer to learn how Answer Plot data and insights can help increase productivity, add efficiencies and improve outcomes on your farm.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.
© 2022 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Answer Plot and WinField are trademarks of WinField United. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Fundamental Five Strategy
There are five critical agronomic actions that can help you enhance season-long crop management, achieve optimal ROI and yield potential, and support your soil health and sustainability goals. We call these actions the fundamental five. They include choosing the best seed for your acre, mitigating early plant stress, minimizing weed competition, optimizing plant nutrition and maximizing plant health.This year, we are continuing to focus Answer Plot research on these strategies to understand how coupling decisions can drive synergistic effects for the crop. An updated factorial plot design enables us to evaluate products individually, in conjunction with each other and within a whole system to gather more comprehensive insights for a season-long production plan.
Performance Trials
This season, we will continue our seed performance trials at nearly 100 nationwide Answer Plot sites. Those trials include 132 hybrids from WinField United seed brands as well as vendor and partner products. This product diversity helps us compare the performance of many different germplasm types across various environments to understand what products work best in different geographies, with multiple planting populations and under various management practices.WinField United’s characterization trials help us develop industry-leading response-to scores, including response-to nitrogen (RTN), response-to fungicide (RTF) and response-to population (RTP) scores. These scores are developed to help you better match the hybrids you choose to your management style and farm environment.
These characterization trials are also helping us understand how nitrogen and fungicide treatments work together to drive yield potential. In addition to RTF and RTN, we’ll be testing plant response to fungicides when coupled with mid- and high-level nitrogen rates this year.
Specialized Research
We’ll also be conducting cutting-edge research to support soil health, sustainability initiatives and disease management.Soil Health
We know sustainable production practices are gaining traction among farmers who want to improve soil health and help preserve natural resources. The Answer Plot program provides an excellent opportunity to understand how those production practices impact the crop and the environment. We can use the data generated to help farmers identify stewardship opportunities and prepare for new markets, including carbon sequestration.
We’ll also be conducting soil sampling to evaluate DNA profiles of common soil pathogens to establish management thresholds for diseases including sudden death syndrome, pythium and phytophthora. We look forward to sharing our findings with our retail partners and growers to advance progress in this space.
Diverse Crops
We’ve added a new Answer Plot crew for our northern locations, focusing on diverse crops, including sunflowers, canola, wheat and field peas. We know growers are looking at more options to diversify their crop rotations but may need more information to help make profitable decisions. Our diverse crop research will deliver valuable data to help navigate new opportunities for farmers.
Disease Management
As diseases continue to evolve and expand their geographic footprints, we’re investing in research to help farmers stay one step ahead. Tar spot is a relatively new disease that we’re still learning about, but we know it can have devastating effects on a corn crop. Our dedicated Answer Plot locations will have trials specifically designed to better understand the agronomic and economic impacts of tar spot and to evaluate management options.
We’ll also be studying how soybean density influences crop health and production, and will evaluate different fungicide timings in soybeans to help guide disease management.
Answer Plot Events
We’re excited to continue in-person Answer Plot events this year to share hands-on learning experiences with our retail partners and growers. Each location will have a demonstration area that serves as an outdoor lab where you’ll be able to touch plants, dig up roots and compare seed products. We will highlight agronomic information that is locally relevant so that each event will be slightly different depending on the time of year and location.During the growing season, you’ll be able to take the information gained from an Answer Plot event to make real-time decisions on your farm, from disease and insect management to in-season fertility planning and more. Your WinField United retailer can keep you connected about upcoming events in your area.
Take Advantage of Answer Plot Data
Agriculture is a fast-paced business, and we want to provide critical insights to help you understand the economic impacts of your decisions to increase profitability potential. The Answer Plot program contains diverse germplasm and trials that allow you to evaluate local, regional and national data to find the best products and practices for your operation. The size and scope of our research program are among the best in the industry, and our unbiased, scientifically vetted data supports more reliable decision-making.Contact your WinField United retailer to learn how Answer Plot data and insights can help increase productivity, add efficiencies and improve outcomes on your farm.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.
© 2022 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Answer Plot and WinField are trademarks of WinField United. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.