Tackle Field Variability in Soybeans

As you search for ways to raise the bar in your operation’s soybean production, managing field variabilities can be a good starting point. However, working across rolling hills and valleys, in unusually wet or consistently dry conditions, on rich loam or sandy soils — and many other factors — can be challenging.
Start With Technology Tools
The R7® Tool by WinField United could give you a leg up by helping identify specific challenges within each field and offering solutions to help mitigate risk. For example, the tool can provide a close-up look at specific fields, starting with a soil map that identifies different soil types in individual zones.
Understanding each field’s conditions, including weed challenges, can help you identify which soybean seed system is right for your operation. When your seed system has been selected, the R7® Tool will cross-reference Answer Plot® testing research data with your soil map and other information to help match the specific soybean variety best suited for your conditions to achieve optimal yield potential.1
Manage Variability
When field variability is a challenge, a CROPLAN® WinPak® soybean seed variety, which includes two varieties within one bag, may be the answer. WinPak® seed varieties are designed to help optimize production potential across a range of soils, weeds, disease and other conditions.
If you’re equipped to make variable-rate applications, the R7® Tool can help provide tailored prescriptions. In higher-producing zones with good growing conditions, the tool may prescribe lower soybean plant populations to allow offensive plants to flourish. Lower populations may also be the answer for disease-prone zones to open up the canopy for better air circulation. Higher plant populations may be warranted in zones with hills and lower producing areas to compensate for smaller plant sizes and help increase yield potential.
Adjust Fertility Levels
When soil and/or tissue tests indicate additional plant nutrients would be advantageous, variable fertility rates could be prescribed. The varied rates would be based on fertility levels in each zone to help maximize your crop nutrient costs and potential return on investment.
Monitor In-Season Changes
To help manage risk during the season, the R7® Tool can help provide in-season imagery with the Field Monitoring Tool. By closely observing crop development throughout the season, you could identify opportunities to capture higher yield potential or be alerted to pending problems before yield potential is jeopardized.
Ask your local WinField United representative for more details about managing field variability in soybeans and other crops next season.
1 Because of factors outside of Winfield Solutions' control, such as weather, product application, and any other factors, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, or profits, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by Winfield Solutions. Actual results may vary.
Start With Technology Tools
The R7® Tool by WinField United could give you a leg up by helping identify specific challenges within each field and offering solutions to help mitigate risk. For example, the tool can provide a close-up look at specific fields, starting with a soil map that identifies different soil types in individual zones.
Understanding each field’s conditions, including weed challenges, can help you identify which soybean seed system is right for your operation. When your seed system has been selected, the R7® Tool will cross-reference Answer Plot® testing research data with your soil map and other information to help match the specific soybean variety best suited for your conditions to achieve optimal yield potential.1
Manage Variability
When field variability is a challenge, a CROPLAN® WinPak® soybean seed variety, which includes two varieties within one bag, may be the answer. WinPak® seed varieties are designed to help optimize production potential across a range of soils, weeds, disease and other conditions.
If you’re equipped to make variable-rate applications, the R7® Tool can help provide tailored prescriptions. In higher-producing zones with good growing conditions, the tool may prescribe lower soybean plant populations to allow offensive plants to flourish. Lower populations may also be the answer for disease-prone zones to open up the canopy for better air circulation. Higher plant populations may be warranted in zones with hills and lower producing areas to compensate for smaller plant sizes and help increase yield potential.
Adjust Fertility Levels
When soil and/or tissue tests indicate additional plant nutrients would be advantageous, variable fertility rates could be prescribed. The varied rates would be based on fertility levels in each zone to help maximize your crop nutrient costs and potential return on investment.
Monitor In-Season Changes
To help manage risk during the season, the R7® Tool can help provide in-season imagery with the Field Monitoring Tool. By closely observing crop development throughout the season, you could identify opportunities to capture higher yield potential or be alerted to pending problems before yield potential is jeopardized.
Ask your local WinField United representative for more details about managing field variability in soybeans and other crops next season.
1 Because of factors outside of Winfield Solutions' control, such as weather, product application, and any other factors, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, or profits, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by Winfield Solutions. Actual results may vary.