Making Yield Data Work for You
Profit Analysis
The R7® Tool has the capability to not only review imagery, but also to import and review yield data to assess profit. The Profit Map function of the tool allows you to upload yield data and plug in input costs. The tool then generates a map that lays out profit across the field, with the level of complexity you need. By adjusting price, inputs and yield, you can review scenarios that may have affected profit outcome. This is a simple way to learn more about your farming practices and see which inputs and practices have been the most profitable based on the data collected.
Equipment Calibration Assessment
Collecting and reviewing data is a good way to evaluate equipment maintenance and calibration. It doesn't take much variation to skew the quality of yield data collected from a machine. Comparing your weigh ticket with yield data helps assess the accuracy of your collection and allows you to make adjustments.
Variable-Rate Validation
Yield data collection and review is also pertinent in understanding the success or failure of variable-rate prescription plans. Collecting yield data and layering that information with your prescription allows you to determine whether the rates you chose were appropriate, given the hybrid selected and the variability covered across those acres. This valuable insight can help you identify any needed adjustments for next season.
Hybrid Performance
Yield data plays its most crucial role in the review of hybrid performance. Yield data provides an in-depth look at a hybrid’s performance across an entire field, pinpointing high- and low-yield locations. For example, this information helps you understand if a hybrid struggled most on the sandy areas of the field or if it took off on bottom land. Using this data, you will know if you need to find a more versatile hybrid or change rates across those areas. This is just one of many examples of information that may be gleaned during the review process.
Overall, data collection is a valuable step to take each year. Making sure you’re getting the most out of that information will help you learn how to achieve even greater success in your operation.