Financial Times Highlights WinField Ag Technology Prowess
Titled “Land O’Lakes to grow breed of digitally savvy farmers,” the story features an interview with Mike Macrie, chief information officer, Land O’Lakes, Inc. Calling out WinField’s ag technology offerings, the article also links directly to Answer Tech®, describing it as a “content and community site that farmers can visit to research products, techniques and emerging technologies, as well as download a range of mobile apps.”
“I feel we’re probably around three years into a 15-year journey in which agriculture will be totally transformed by new technologies,” says Macrie in the article. “There’s a massive infusion of new ideas coming at America’s farmers and our intention is to deliver tools in ways that are truly useful to them.”
Macrie hits on the dynamic agricultural technology space, acknowledging that changes are occurring faster than the ability of Land O’Lakes member farmers to process and implement. All the more reason to keep up on the latest industry happenings and talk with your local WinField representative about how to stay current with ag technology on your farm.
Check out the full article here.