3 Things You Need to Know About the John Deere/Climate Corporation Agreement

On November 3, John Deere and The Climate Corporation announced that Deere would acquire the Precision Planting, LLC equipment business and enable exclusive, near real-time data connectivity between certain John Deere equipment and the Climate FieldView™ precision ag platform. (Read the news release here.)
What does this signal for the industry as a whole, and what does it mean for farmers? Of course, time will tell; but here is my initial perspective.
1. Improved data connection for farmers who use both Deere and Climate products. Deere already offered great equipment and Climate offered great connectivity. This agreement will make Deere’s equipment and access to Climate’s data even better.
2. Increased ease of use. Agreements such as this show the willingness of companies to make precision ag easy for farmers like you to use. I believe we’ll start seeing more of these types of alliances. And I believe this move toward increased connectivity fits very well with plans for the WinField Data Silo, which will enable secure data transfer and common log-ins between cloud systems across our industry.
3. Greater benefits for you. WinField already partners with the Climate Corporation, and we are well-versed in the capabilities offered through Climate FieldView Pro™ that is available through many of our retail partners. Make sure to leverage your retail precision ag/ag technology experts WinField Ag Technology Specialists to get the most out of this technology.
Precision agriculture is an intricate system that we at WinField strive every day to make less complex, and easier for farmers to embrace and use. There are many pieces to fit together. A strategic partnership such as the one between Deere and Climate allows precision ag to serve more acres with these emerging decision tools. Farmers have had challenges, particularly around data management. This partnership likely will help alleviate that frustration. It’s cleared the way for WinField on the connectivity front and will ultimately help us add value for you at the farmgate.
What does this signal for the industry as a whole, and what does it mean for farmers? Of course, time will tell; but here is my initial perspective.
1. Improved data connection for farmers who use both Deere and Climate products. Deere already offered great equipment and Climate offered great connectivity. This agreement will make Deere’s equipment and access to Climate’s data even better.
2. Increased ease of use. Agreements such as this show the willingness of companies to make precision ag easy for farmers like you to use. I believe we’ll start seeing more of these types of alliances. And I believe this move toward increased connectivity fits very well with plans for the WinField Data Silo, which will enable secure data transfer and common log-ins between cloud systems across our industry.
3. Greater benefits for you. WinField already partners with the Climate Corporation, and we are well-versed in the capabilities offered through Climate FieldView Pro™ that is available through many of our retail partners. Make sure to leverage your retail precision ag/ag technology experts WinField Ag Technology Specialists to get the most out of this technology.
Precision agriculture is an intricate system that we at WinField strive every day to make less complex, and easier for farmers to embrace and use. There are many pieces to fit together. A strategic partnership such as the one between Deere and Climate allows precision ag to serve more acres with these emerging decision tools. Farmers have had challenges, particularly around data management. This partnership likely will help alleviate that frustration. It’s cleared the way for WinField on the connectivity front and will ultimately help us add value for you at the farmgate.