3 Steps to a Successful Fall Burndown Application
If conditions in your area allow you to make a fall burndown application, it can make the spring a little easier from a weed management perspective. Here are some tips to get the most from your fall burndown application.
Identify the weeds in your fields
This seems like a no-brainer, but I can’t stress how important proper weed identification is to ensure effective weed control. Some chemistries work better on certain species than others, and in order to choose the right products, you need to know what weeds you’re targeting. Common weeds like marestail and Palmer amaranth are easy to recognize, but others can be more challenging to identify. It will pay to take the time to confirm weed species in your fields to ensure you’re spending money on the products that are most effective for control.
Apply the right products and consider field conditions
Most fall burndown programs include glyphosate, along with either 2,4-D or dicamba plus residual herbicides. Residual products, including Valor®, Sharpen® or the metribuzin-based Dimetric® herbicides, are important components of a fall burndown application because they can help control small-seeded winter annuals that may become more difficult to manage in the spring.
While fall can be a good time to apply herbicides, you need to pay attention to field conditions to get effective control. When temperatures drop below 40 degrees, weeds won’t metabolize and translocate herbicides as well as they do at warmer temperatures, and weed control could be limited. In general, weeds have greater herbicide uptake at temperatures of 60 degrees or above. You should also keep in mind your field’s soil type, because you may need to adjust herbicide application rates accordingly.
Add an adjuvant to improve herbicide performance
Adding the right adjuvant to your tank mix can mean the difference between average and excellent weed control. Adjuvants help get more active ingredient to the target weed and can help enhance herbicide performance. Class Act® NG® is a good option for use with glyphosate because it combines ammonium sulfate for water conditioning with a nonionic surfactant and antifoaming agent.
As temperatures begin to drop, a plant’s cuticle layer thickens and it isn’t able to translocate herbicides as efficiently. Cool fall temperatures make methylated seed oils (MSOs) a good option because they can help herbicides infiltrate that waxy cuticle to get more active ingredient into the weed. Destiny® HC is an MSO adjuvant that mixes with glyphosate well and is an effective option for fall burndown applications. Another option as temperatures cool is StrikeLock®, which also helps reduce drift to keep herbicides on target.
Fall is a busy time of year, but if you’re able to prioritize a burndown application, it can mean cleaner fields and fewer headaches in the spring. For more information on fall burndown products for your acres, speak with your WinField United retailer.
Valor® is a registered trademark of Valent Agricultural Products.
Sharpen® is a registered trademark of BASF.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.© 2019 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices, and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years, and be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Class Act® NG®, Destiny® HC, Dimetric®, StrikeLock® and WinField® are trademarks of WinField United.