The moment your corn seed hits the furrow, the battle begins to maximize its yield potential. Quick, even emergence and strong, deep roots are two of the most important factors in establishing a healthy corn crop. Apply new Ascend2 plant growth regulator (PGR) at planting to give your corn crop a strong start in the spring and achieve yield potential worth bragging about come fall.


The Power of PGRs

Roots are a plant’s lifeline for nutrient and water uptake. PGRs are hormones that regulate growth and development in plants, leading to significant benefits, including a larger root mass with more root hairs. They can also help promote vigorous emergence, wider leaves and thicker stalks.

PGRs can be very powerful when used in the right amount. However, they can have detrimental effects when used at levels that are too high and no effect at levels that are too low. We conducted years of testing to find the right formula for Ascend2 that would deliver the right amount of PGRs at the right time for corn in-furrow.

An A+ Addition to Your In-Furrow Tank Mix

When it comes to in-furrow applications, starter fertilizer is a no-brainer. Starter applications plus ASCEND2 PGR, however, turns yesterday’s at-plant practices into next-level yield potential today.


Starter Fertilizer Only

Start Fertilizer + Ascend2 PGR

What Makes Ascend2 Different?

Ascend2 has three times the amount of auxin and two times the gibberellic acid compared to previous formulas. With its auxin-dominant ratio, Ascend2 doubles down on early emergence and root development, making it more efficient and effective in helping your corn crop grow, develop and withstand unexpected conditions.

packaging &

JUGS               2 x 2.5-Gallon, 125 gallon

Backed By Years of Research

Ascend² PGR products already had a legacy of success, but we knew there was still untapped potential to be discovered. After four years of extensive testing, Ascend2 is now changing the game in the in-furrow PGR market.

*Compared to starter fertilizer alone. Based on over 60 trials across Answer Plot® locations in 15 states from 2017 to 2021.

Get Started With Ascend2

For more information or to add Ascend2 to your at-plant program, contact your local WinField United advisor.

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